Welcome to Class 1! Croeso i Dosbarth 1! 

Teacher: Mrs Brana 


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Manzai 



Contact us on class1@stmellonsprm.cardiff.sch.uk  

Google Classroom code - wlyvl42 

Twitter (X) - @stmellonsprm                     https://twitter.com/stmellonsprm 

The 'Teacher to Parent' text messaging service will be used when required. 

Overview of the Day 

8.55 - 9.05 - Greet each other/ registration

9.15– 10.30 – Guided Group Reading/Literacy​

10.30 – 10.45 - Break​

10.45-11.00 - Milk time with song​

10.45– 11.55– Numeracy​

1.00 - 3.00 - Context and Missions​

3.00 - 3.15 - Tidy up/ Storytime/Cymraeg

Important Dates for the Half Term 

4th November - Return to school Perseverance  Values Day  

5th November – Hinduism Day Celebration  

8th November – Remembrance Day worship & activities with Mother Rose  

11th November – Anti Bullying Week  

15th November – Children in Need Day  

18th November - Road Safety Week  

9th December - Grandparents PS2 ( Years 1, 2, 3) Concert 1.30pm Grandparents  

10th December - PS2 ( Years 1, 2, 3) Concert 1.30pm Parents  

11th December – PS2 ( Years 1, 2, 3) Concert 9.30am 

13th December - Christmas Jumper Day  and Christmas Fayre 

18th December - Whole School Eucharist 9.30am, Messy Christmas and Christmas Dinner  

20th December – Last Day of term  

23rd December – 3rd January – Christmas Holidays.

Have a happy Christmas Love from us all in Class 1

Snack, P.E. Day and Uniform 


 Healthy snacks can be purchased from school (via ParentPay) or brought from home. 


Class 1 have P.E. on Tuesdays and pupils can come wearing their P.E. kits.  

Current Learning 

Our context this half term is Come on and Celebrate with Humanities as the main driving AoLE. 

This half term class 1 pupils will be finding out about how we celebrate festivals and special occasions in Cardiff and the wider world.

Our inquiry question is: "How do we celebrate?"  

This half term we will be: 

- Learning about how people celebrate  in Wales and other parts of the world, such as China. Comparing other festivals to Christmas.

- Looking at the First Christmas  Story.

- Making Chinese lanterns and writing instructions.   

-Making crafts to sell at the Christmas Fayre and preparing for Christmas.

-Estimating and measuring length.

-We will also be performing our own Nativity Story in our concert with class 2 and 3 I'm Gonna Shine!

Pupil Voice - What do you want to know class 1? 

  • Does everyone celebrate Christmas?
  • Do people in China celebrate Christmas?
  • What do people do for New Year?
  • Why do people celebrate New Year?
  • Do people like having trees in their house?
  • Why are candles important?


Weekly planning is made available on Google Classroom 

Click to see Medium Term Planning 

Class 1 pupils have books in their reading bags that you can share at home. Please feel free to write in the yellow reading record books when you have heard your child read. Books are changed each week. Please ensure your child brings their book bag to school each day as we have visitors who pop in to hear children read, such as Father Kellen. Please can parents/ grandparents/ even older siblings write in the reading record books when they have listened to their child read.See below for our homework grid. 



Here are a few ideas for this half-term for homework that links to our current topic...

homework autumn two class 1.pdf

 There are new homework assignments posted on Google Classroom each week on a Friday.


Four Purposes 

The four purposes are that all children and young people will be: 

Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. 

Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work. 

Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world. 

Healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. 

Christian Values  

Our Value this half term is: Perseverance 

Home School Value



A link for parents who want to know more about our value and how to continue the learning at home.  

Hebrews 10:36 (NIV)

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. 




Books we will look at this half term include... 


and many more! 

Reading takes place every day with group reading sessions and children read as individuals to an adult at least once a week. We do have visitors who like to listen to readers so book bags need to be school everyday and we aim to change the reading book at least once a week. Your child's progress in reading should continue to be developed at home though shared reading experiences with their book in their book bag and also with their own books.

Read, Write, Ink is how we teach phonics and how children learn to read.

How can I help my child to read?

Do not read the book aloud before your child reads it to you. • Ask your child to read the sounds and words before he or she reads the story. • When your child reads the story, ask him or her to sound out the words that he or she can’t read automatically. Don’t allow your child to struggle too much. Praise your child when he or she succeeds. • Read back each sentence or page to keep the plot moving. (Your child’s energy is going into reading the words not the story.) • Do not ask your child to guess the word by using the pictures. • Do it all with patience and love!


I have also added flashcards of the high frequency words - words appear a lot and are in many books - to Google Classroom in the Homework section. If you help your child to learn these words it will make reading easy!



At St Mellons, we follow the concrete, pictorial/visual, abstract approach.  

1)Use concrete resources to show...  

2)Draw it out or use these pictures to show...  

3) Write with symbols to show...  

We will be counting objects, looking closely at the teen numbers, ordering numbers to 20, writing numbers correctly, adding one and two more, counting backwards from 20, taking away one, comparing numbers and lots, doubling and halving and lots more.  

How can you help at home? 

There are plenty of ways you can help at home with this topic. 

You could discuss what makes you 'you'. What do you like to celebrate in your house? How do you celebrate it? What is your favourite part of the celebration? Is it the special gifts, the music,  singing songs, seeing family and friends, the special food or the special clothes? Look at traditions that explain to the children WHY we do what we do when we celebrate. Get crafting and make something during the holidays like a Christmas card or your own gift tags. There are also ideas on the homework grid above.


 Meet the Teacher 11.09.24...for those that missed it!  



 Welsh - Cymraeg and MFL - Modern Foreign Languages 

 Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw? song 

Mae hi'n bwrw glaw - It is raining (a good one to learn when living in Wales!) 

Pwy wyt ti? - Mrs Brana ydw i. 

Who are you? - I am Mrs Brana. 

Sut wyt ti'n teimlo? - How are you feeling? 

(da iawn, bendegedig, ardderchog, ar ben y byd, hapus, wedi blino) 

MFL is under review at the moment. It is a mandatory section of Languages Connect us part of the Literacy Curriculum. 


Internet Safety 


Pupils are taught ways to stay safe online in class and Digital Leaders have carried out whole school assemblies about internet safety. Sound advice on internet safety can be found on https://www.internetmatters.org/ 


Jigsaw - PSHE  


We teach PSHE through JIGSAW throughout the school.  

Curriculum for Wales Relationships Sexuality Education Code 

Healthy Schools 

What is a Healthy School? 

A Healthy School: 

  • Is one that promotes physical, social, emotional and mental health and helps equip pupils, staff and families with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.  
  • Recognises the importance of investing in health and wellbeing to assist in the process of raising children and young people's achievement levels. 
  • Involves the whole school community, parents, governors, staff and pupils in improving children's health, well-being and happiness, helping them to get the most out of life. 

Click here for lots of Healthy Lunchbox Ideas 

Active Travel 

We encourage 'Active Travel' with the travel tracker website where your child records how they travel to school each day. Badges are given out to the pupils who are the most active each month. 

Picture News 

Each week, on a Monday during whole school worship, pupils get a snapshot of the news via Picture News - real stories adapted for children. Pupils get an opportunity to discuss and reflect upon real life issues, see where in the world it is happening and how it relates to our lives and impacts the lives of others whilst reinforcing Christian Values. This Picture News discusses the importance of human interactions as Amazon workers were asked to return to the office after several years of working from home. 

Useful links 
